Digitize Infrastructure
Remote structure analysis | Survey digitization | BIM digitization
Digitize existing and planned infrastructures
GenerateBIM models of infrastructure for all life cycle phases: from design to operation and management.
Enrich BIM with value-added information
EDY’s solutions enrich BIM with secure information analyzed from remote and on-site surveys for an efficient decision-making process.
Discover infrastructure problems remotely
EDY’s unique technology analyzes the infrastructure in a fast, cost-effective manner to uncover potential distress.
Bridge the gap between the digital and physical world
EDY’s future Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality (MR) bridges the gap between the digital and physical worlds for more efficient and effective project outcomes.

We guarantee the reliability and performance of the work carried out over time, whatever the sector of intervention. We are serious, fast and dedicated professionals and we have the necessary equipment available to create safe and beautiful works

Support activities for the design, construction, operation and monitoring of infrastructure.

Digitization of processes through the use of BIM methodology

R & D
Research and development of new technological solutions and processes in digitization.